Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Cold and Clipless

I'm currently staying with my mom and sister on the coast. The terrain is flat and there are no biking trails anywhere. Grrrr!! So yesterday I opted to go biking out on the county roads despite the 58 degree weather and the 22 mph NW blustery wind. I was anxious to try out my new clipless pedals and cleats.

Shimano SPD Compatabile Pedal PD-M324

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The course I took was virtually dead into the wind. It was cold and hard biking. But after a couple of miles I changed course back into town and was now biking with the wind. At one point I was clocking 18 mph easily.

I made it down to the bay to see a myriad of migratory birds on and above the water. I saw what looked like arctic terns and gulls. I also saw ducks and another group of birds which almost looked like minitature puffins. :)

The clipless pedals make a vast improvement on pedaling efficiency in my opinion. I love em!!! I didn't take long for me to get accustomed to them. Now, I just have to figure out why my bike makes this funny noise when I'm in third (left handle) gear.

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